Building modules

The city “Worn” is taking place in will have to look busy and half-wrecked. After having looked at numerous pictures and videos documenting buildings in the aftermath of war, I believe we can build a lot of background buildings with very little. I made a few window modules that can easily be assembled into different looking apartment blocks to populate the horizon.

I built this as an example of what can be achieved with these modules.



I started the process of lighting with simple spot lights that I’ve been moving around. Following instructions I found on forums and YouTube tutorials, I was able to create a night time skybox that I was happy with.

Because we used the aesthetics of the short “Adam” as inspiration, I’ve been looking at how the team achieved the animation’s incredible visuals:

“All lights should cast shadows and those should be fully opaque” […]

“Always remember that light quality equals soft shadow and wide specular.”

When I get all the assets together with the rest of my group, I plan to incorporate some emissive planes as well to help with lighting up the textured details.

Since we haven’t reached the stage of having textured scenes to work with, I wasn’t able to properly experiment with lightmapping on different textures yet. I aim to do that before the final hand in, as I’ve found the process of lighting up a scene in Unity to be very enjoyable and would like to get good at it.


To learn: shot-by-shot lighting

For lighting tests and scene assembly exercises:


Useful genral tips for lighting environments:




I continued experimenting with lights and camera effects in Unity and I’m starting to get the hang of it. I created a slightly desaturated environment with contrasting blue(cold) and yellow(warm) lights that I feel would fit the atmosphere of the project. I added lens dirt and camera focus and gave several different settings to post processing options until I was happy with the way the room looked. These are still not the final assets but it should give an idea of how it would look.


Project Assets


I created these assets based on the images I’ve come across in my research. I tried my best to keep the elements as realistic as possible and within the same style without pointing at one culture in particular. The umbrella took the longest to make as I tried using ncloth simulation on it. After trying different settings on the simulation, it still didn’t look the way I wanted it to, so in the end it had to be modelled from a flat circular mesh.


Using basic human meshes, I created a custom man for the scene to use as scale reference and also to add to the atmosphere of my scene. I used standard Maya materials with the same purpose. I intended to use ncloth on the umbrella top, as I did with the tshirts, but ended up modelling it as it gave me more control over the final shape.

nCloth simulation guide:
